Shoebox Investor

What is a shoebox investor? An investor who generally pays himself first. The idea is that any money you can store in a shoebox or piggy bank, should be invested in the market. It is not how much you invest, it is the time value of money you should focus on. The earlier you put the money in the market, the longer you keep it in, the higher the chances of reaping the benefits of accumulating dividends. The reinvested dividends will buy you more shares.

Pay yourself first

Saturday, March 1, 2008

5 More Top Growth Stocks

By Tim Beyers February 21, 2008

Are you really a growth investor?

It's worth asking. Fast-moving tech stocks have taken a beating recently, leading to a slew of bargains for those with the guts to buy.

No surprises there. Market panics occur daily. Just ask investors who hold shares of ValueClick (Nasdaq: VCLK), which fell more than 4% on Tuesday on no news whatsoever. Sheesh.

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